Entrust Registration of your US Based business to Professionals
- Limited liability companies (LLC);
- Partnerships - LLP (General Partnership);
- С-Corporations (C-Corp);
- Tax Numbers (EIN);
- Preparing and filing incorporation papers;
- Shelf Companies;
- Legal services relating to company formation and registration
We register companies in the USA - We do it Fast and Professional

Our services
- Limited liability companies (LLC);
- Partnerships - LLP (General Partnership);
- С-Corporations (C-Corp);
- Tax Numbers (EIN);
- Preparing and filing incorporation papers;
- Готовые полочные компании (Shelf Companies) в США, Европе и Гонконге;
- Legal services relating to company formation and registration
- Registration of trademarks (TM) / trademarks through the United States Patent and Trademark Office;
- Sale and purchase of finished brands / trademarks;
- Connecting trademarks to Amazon system (Brand Registry).
- Legal consultancy;
- Legal document preparation services
- Maintaining tax accounting for enterprises and preparing annual income tax returns (Tax Return);
- Registration of exemption from VAT (Sales Tax);
- Registration of seller licenses (Resale Certificate / Sales License) and sales reports.
- Registration of profiles of the seller Amazon;
- Passing checks (“Utilities” and others);
- Legal registration of companies and business profiles;
- Connecting brands to the seller’s profile;
- Opening categories for sales on Amazon;
- Contracting with US Distributors and Brands.
About us
TaxFreeCorp has been operating in the US for over 13 years and has a reputation as a trusted business partner. We specialize in opening, incorporation, buying and selling companies, online registration of Amazon, Wallmart and eBay accounts, as well as full Amazon account support and management. We have a detailed understanding of how the bureaucratic formalization of companies takes place, as well as the nuances and specifics of US taxation.
Legal and bureaucratic practice in the USA differs from such practice in Europe, and even more so from the practice existing in the post-Soviet territory. This also applies to the banking services. The right solution is to entrust this process to the professionals so that no losses resulting from incorrect registration and bookkeeping will be incurred at a later date. We cooperate only with the most experienced and the best specialists: lawyers and accountants (CPA).

What are Shelf Companies?
Buying a ready-made company is an excellent solution for those who do not want to go through the process of registering a business from scratch. After creation, such companies are not used, but are placed on a shelf (metaphorically-speaking), and hence “Shelf Companies”).
Benefits from the purchase:
- You will be able to access corporate loans;
- It takes a lot of time to create a large corporation, whereas re-issuing documents for the owner of a shelf company takes a matter of hours;
- The purchased shelf company immediately allows its owner to make legal bids on contracts, which is not always available for newly-created enterprises, due to many factors;
- Even the formal “longevity” of the company / brand allows you to create a positive image in the eyes of potential investors and customers.
Why us?

All information transferred to our company always remains confidential. Our reputation depends on safeguarding such information, and we are legally responsible for doing so.

Corporate leadership
You will receive the support of recognized experts who are capable not only of cultivating corporate values in your company, but also of making them work for the financial growth of the enterprise.

We are always available to thoroughly discuss any possible problems in an understandable, non-bureaucratic language. Our goal is to find a solution, not an excuse.
USA Business
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Brand Owner, CEO

г.Вроцлав, Польша