Registration of trademarks / trademarks and patents

Trademark / trademark registration is a necessary measure to assert the rights to own a trademark / trademark in the United States.
Upon registering the rights to your own brand, you can continue to expand your business in any state without fear of plagiarism of intellectual property.
If there are any errors in the form of submission of the documents, the duration period of registration of the rights to a trademark may take up to two to three years!
We guarantee the complete absence of unexpected complications and will prevent loss of your time or money.
Стоимость услуги – от $900
The period of receipt – from 6 месяцев.
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Customer reviews
Advise professionally. Experts in their field.
Vlad StetsyukEntrepreneur 
Specialists. We opened a company in the USA and registered a trade mark. We work on according to the PL model.
Denis SulimchikEntrepreneur 
Specialists. We opened a company in the USA and registered a trade mark. We work on according to the PL model.
Alexandra NovinskayaEntrepreneur 
The TaxFreeCorp team helped me with registering my first business in the USA. They also registered my trademark/brand in the USA. It is good to have professionals in this matter.
Anna DeriuginaMysuperface IncBrand Owner, CEO

Andrey from TaxFreeCorp helped me with the opening of the company. They did everything quickly and efficiently. Very satisfied with the result and would recommend
Maria ZaitsevaEntrepreneur 
Good afternoon, I ordered a service from TaxFreeCorp to open a company in the USA. Needed to trade on Amazon. Within 4 days, not only the company was opened, but also an EIN and a Resale Certificate were received, an account was registered immediately with VDS. Very pleased with the quality of work, exceeded my expectations.
VladislavEntrepreneurг.Вроцлав, Польша
