Registration of LLC & C-Сorp companies in the USA

Our LLC and C-Corp incorporation services in the United States provide comprehensive support in the establishment and legal formalization of your business, including preparation and filing of documents, assistance in choosing the appropriate organizational structure, support in opening bank accounts, as well as advice on tax and legal issues, allowing you to focus on the strategic development of your company.

TaxFreeCorp team solves the problem of company registration in the USA on a turnkey basis.

What is included?

- Articles of Organization/Incorporation for LLC/C-Corp

- Certificate of Good Standin

- Action of Organizers 

- Company Bylaws/Operating Agreement 

- Banking Resolution 

- Member Certificates 

- Minutes of Meeting of the Member 

- Unanimous Resolution Of Members Of Signing Authority

- Letterhead - Corporate resolution of signing authority

- Digital Company Seal (upon request)

Please Note

When choosing states:


Subsequent extension of the company's status in the state register, as well as the legal address (with the ability to receive mail) and the registration agent services:

When choosing states:

Currently, there's processing time up to 10 days for company registration in Florida and up to 4 weeks in the state of Delaware and 2 months in the state of Pensylvaniq. This is due to a backed up processing at the Department of the Secretary of State.

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