Amazon employees from 20 countries went on strike on Black Friday

The protests were related to the «Make Amazon Pay» initiative, provoked in 2020 by the company's working conditions amid a pandemic. There are 70 international trade unions and organizations in the coalition against the giant. Among them: Greenpeace, Oxfam and Amazon Workers International. 

«The Pandemic made it clear that Amazon puts profit above workers, society and our planet... Amazon takes too much and gives too little. It's time to make Amazon pay» - the message says.

The reason for the protests is the growing disagreement of Amazon employees with working conditions: working extra hours and low salaries against the rising incomes of Amazon's top management, who are also caught in tax evasion.

Amazon is being asked to raise salaries, secure working conditions and abolish the strict performance and surveillance regime that Amazon uses to put pressure on its employees.

The company is not the only one which uses such strict methods, but it is at the center of a system that leads to inequality, climate disruptions and a decline in democracy.

Amazon was also accused of tax evasion. In June «ProPublica» published a report* showing that Jeff Bezos did not pay income tax from 2006 to 2018. Today, his fortune is estimated at $210.7 billion.

It turns out that Amazon has underestimated its employees and they go on strike - who could imagine?

Worried about your tax deductions? We could suggest ways you can do the same as Jeff Bezos, so that your tax burden moves towards zero, and do it completely legally.

*ProPublica «The Secret IRS Files…» June 8th, 2021