Public Offer Agreement for the Services of TaxFreeCorp

This Agreement is a formal offer from TaxFreeCorp (hereafter referred to as "Contractor") to a competent person (hereafter referred to as "Customer") who accepts this offer, on the terms and conditions stated below.

Acceptance of the Contractor's offer by the Customer is considered effective upon the fact of making the first payment (prepayment or full payment) to one of the proposed payment details. By making the payment, the Customer confirms that they are familiar with and accept the terms and conditions stated in the text of the Contract.

The contract does not need to be sealed and signed by the client and the contractor.

The subject matter of this Contract is the reimbursable rendering of the following services by the Contractor, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract:

  • Registering a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as a "company") in the United States;
  • Renewing the company in the state registry and paying a registration agent;
  • Amazon account registration;
  • Trademark registration;
  • Registration of an account in a payment system for a company;
  • Registration of a bank account for the company;
  • Registration of a retail certificate for the company;
  • Obtaining a tax number of a physical person - ITIN
  • etc

The Customer fully accepts the terms and conditions of the Contract and pays for the Contractor's services.

The cost of services under the Contract is determined by the Contractor's current prices as of the date of the first payment. Payment shall be made in U.S. dollars ($) or in another currency, as agreed upon by the Contractor, at the rate at the time of payment.

The Customer agrees with the proposed methods of payment for services when making the payment.

The Contractor is responsible for the timeliness of the provided services if the Customer fulfills the established requirements.

The Contractor is released from liability for breach of the Contract terms if such breach results from special circumstances that may affect the timing of the service, including:

  • Delay in the assignment of tax identification numbers (EINs) by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service;
  • Reduced throughput of Amazon when registering accounts;
  • Requests from Amazon Support for additional documents for account registration;
  • Delays in the processing of Payoneer system requests;
  • etc

The Contractor undertakes not to disclose the information received from the Customer and is not responsible for the authenticity of the information provided by the Customer.

Upon full payment for the service by the Customer, the Contractor shall transfer access to documents, as well as text, electronic, and other materials to the Customer, depending on the purchased service.

After notification of the readiness of the service, the Customer is obliged to pay the remaining amount within 14 calendar days after receiving the notification. If the payment is not made, the Contractor reserves the right to refuse to transfer the order to the Customer without refunding the prepayment.

After the provision of the company registration service, the responsibility for timely renewal of the company's status in the state register, legal address, accounting and other services, filing of reports, etc., lies with the Customer (company owner).

The Contractor does not provide business consulting services and does not oversee the timely filing of reports and maintenance of the company.

After receiving the package of documents, the Customer should familiarize themselves with it. The Customer may ask clarifying questions within 14 calendar days after the service has been rendered.

After 14 calendar days, responses to clarifying questions will be prioritized, and there may be time limits for receiving a response or a need for paid consultation.

Claims of the Customer regarding the rendered service are accepted by the Contractor for consideration within 14 calendar days after the service has been rendered.

In dispute resolution, the Contractor has the right to request any relevant information from the Customer, including access data to Amazon account, email, etc., and additional documentation regarding the claim in question.

The Customer has the right to refuse the services of the Contractor. In the event of a unilateral refusal by the Customer, the payment made is non-refundable