Amazon sellers will come out of the shadows

Amazon has announced that starting from the first of September its website will display the company name and seller's address. Amazon believes this will help customers make informed purchasing decisions and learn more about the seller and their products.

What does this mean for sellers? Amazon sellers must provide a name and address in their profile.

Please find below step-by-step instructions to submit this information:

✅ Log in to your Amazon merchant account;

✅ Find the "Settings" menu and click "account Information" to view your merchant page.⠀

✅ In the business information section, click the links you want to view or edit;

✅ To add or change your company name, click – “Display name”;

✅ To add or change your address, click – “Business address”;

✅ To save, click "Send".

Do not worry about security. Sellers who do business from home can use a P.O. Box for their store's address.

Amazon is actively fighting fraud on its platform. The company recently took action against sellers who inflate prices for masks and sanitizers, going as far as the US Congress to pass a law protecting consumers.

The new rules will also make it easier for brands to manage retailers if it turns out that the product is fake.

Changing the profiles of sellers in the US should be another step towards transparency on the trading platform.

What does this mean for customers?

All information about the seller can be viewed in their profile.

The transparency of names and addresses will help the buyer apply to the court if the purchase caused harm.

Rapid changes show that business on the Internet is becoming clearer and more open. Using the right approach you can increase your capital and achieve the desired level of income.

And now the main thing.

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