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Private & LLC

At the stage of registering an Amazon account, the question arises: "Do I operate as an individual or as a US company?". For customers who want to register a legal entity with Tax Free Corp, taxation issues are important. Maintaining tax records is of interest to many. One of the barriers to deciding whether to register an LLC account is the belief that it will be necessary to do complex bookkeeping and

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LLC. My experience

My name is Andrei Mikhailov, I am the founder and owner of TaxFreeCorp. I would like to shed some light on the topic of whether to build a business with a registered company or to stick to the rhetoric labeled "Anti-LLC" ⛔️ Let's briefly run through my biography. I moved to the US in 1999. Registered my first amazon account while in college in 2003. Selling my textbooks 📚 In those days.

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Virtual debit cards are available in WISE

Today we read a nice piece of news. In the WISE app you can now instantly generate virtual cards 🔥 These cards can be used instead of physical cards for online shopping, using Apple Wallets and Google Pay and even withdrawing cash from ATMs with contactless function. This way you keep your physical card details safe and secure. Virtual cards are also great for

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Understanding Sales Tax Nexus

When we trade on Amazon, eBay, Walmart and other Marketplaces, we mistakenly believe that the retail giants will take care of everything. Many people think that if the Marketplace collects Sales Tax, then we don't need to think about sales taxes, reports and having a Resale Certificate. Is this really the case? Let's figure it out together! Let's note right away that this article is about

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What type of card can be used for Charge Method on Amazon account?

There is a certain myth that only credit cards are suitable for the Charge Method.⠀❗️Это not верно❗️⠀You can use both credit cards and ANY debit card for the Charge Method.⠀But there is one nuance. The Charge Method will NOT work with so-called Prepaid Cards ❌ These are Payoneer and Revolute. Maybe these cards worked for some people, but in our experience

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Want to succeed with Amazon sales? Don't make these mistakes!

On the American Amazon Marketplace, you can sell almost anything - newcomers are sure. Reality, however, is very much at odds with this statement. We have summarized common mistakes made not only by newbies but also by experienced entrepreneurs to help you build your success story on Amazon.⠀Mistake 1: Believing that you can sell everything on Amazon, in large quantities, and as soon as tomorrow⠀Amazon is a great place to start.

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Delaware: Pros and Cons

Let's talk about the state of Delaware. This is the place where the President of the United States, Joe Biden, lives. But this post is not about politics, but about registering companies in the First State. We noticed that non-residents are often offered to open a company in Delaware. More than half a million US businesses and startups are registered in this state. Before deciding to incorporate in any jurisdiction,

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Keep an eye on your PRO-plan

Not everyone keeps track of what PRO plan to follow. Amazon has a new feature that many people don't realize. If you have no activity or sales on your Amazon account for a period of 90 days, PRO will automatically turn off and your account will be switched to an individual plan. At the same time, Amazon will carefully notify you that the plan transfer has been completed

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