Amazon's four-legged friends

Amazon clients often see an error page with a dog instead of the usual error message. 

If you refresh the page, another dog will appear with the message: "Sorry, something went wrong, please come back and try again or go to the Amazon homepage." Clicking on the link to the start page will lead you to another dog appearing on the screen with the same error message.

Do you know that those dogs are actual Amazon employees’ pets who also go to the office together with their owners? According to Amazon, there are about 6 thousand such dogs at the Seattle headquarters.

That lovely tradition started from the beginning of the company's existence. A couple of Amazon employees brought their Welsh corgi, Rufus, to work with them. Then the idea arose that "Employees would work with Rufus by clicking on a computer mouse to launch some of the first pages of".

There are delicacies for dogs at the Amazon reception and there is a place where four-legged friends can play with each other.

Amazon is a company that shows love and care for your beloved pets with its entire attitude.