It is quite easy to register an anonymous LLC in New Mexico if you know some ways that we could show you.
The number of offers from other registrars to create companies in New Mexico has increased over the past year, after our post post about this state.
This state also still leads among our clients. Creating a company there is quick, simple, inexpensive, needs minimal reporting and has no State Income Tax for non-residents of the United States.
The most important thing is that this is a unique state that allows the registration of an anonymous LLC.
Many people try to register an LLC on their own and sacrifice not only time, but one of the main advantages – anonymity. Read more about this in the article.
Let us handle everything. We will prepare the necessary documents for you, act as an organizer and registration agent and ensure the confidentiality of personal data.
The state of New Mexico has a closed register of founders. Every LLC registered by us is anonymous. All personal information can only be specified in the company's founding documents, access to which is controlled by the owner himself (except what is contained in the Articles of Association).
Advantages of registering an LLC in New Mexico:

Anonymity in New Mexico
There are good reasons to strive to preserve the privacy of personal data. Especially in the era of the Internet, when it is easy to find information about the owners of companies in the public domain.
Whatever the reason, you do not want to disclose your data. LLC in New Mexico is completely confidential. Personal information about the founders will never become publicly available.
Annual LLC fees
The only obligation for the owner of the company is to have a registration agent in New Mexico and extend his services. Each LLC registered by us includes the service of a registration agent free of charge for the first year. After a year it will be necessary to extend that service, which will also include the use of a legal address with the ability to receive mail.
LLC taxes in New Mexico
LLCs have the most flexible taxation among all forms of companies. Tax legislation provides benefits for it. By default, they are not subject to double taxation. The LLC itself is not taxed and the founder of the company needs to report on the profit (in the case of a Disregarded Entity). To do this, IT IN is needed.
Features of obtaining an EIN for companies in New Mexico
An EIN is required if you are going to do business on behalf of the company. A Single Member LLC can refuse to receive an EIN, but then it will not be possible to open a corporate account, get a Resale Certificate and, among other things, register an Amazon account. Therefore, we advise each client to get an EIN. One of the few cases when it is possible to have a company without an EIN is if you plan to use it as a "holding company".
What is a corporate veil and how is it implemented in New Mexico?
The idea is to separate the company from its owner. The company can enter into contracts and take on debts. This separation helps to protect the personal assets of the owners, and creditors will not be able to seize them. This is the beauty of the limited liability of the founders.
Can I register an LLC by myself?
Yes you can, but there are nuances. As a rule, the registration agents that you can contact directly are not ready to answer all of your questions. Moreover, many agents do not have a communication channel and a client service. All communication takes place by email.
If you register yourself, you will not receive the founding package of documents that we provide, including the EIN. You will even have to purchase an Operating Agreement for your company because the State Secretariat does not provide it.
Services for the registration of a legal entity for a small price with a minimum set of documents are suitable for residents of the United States who have an SSN and for whom it is not difficult to obtain a particular tax document.
But the most important thing is the fact that when you register yourself you lose your privacy. If you personally apply for LLC registration, your name will be entered into a public database. You cannot open an LLC and remain anonymous at the same time because you will pass as a registrar. Fact: the person who registers the company by himself will be shown on the Articles of Organization, information about him as a registrar will be visible. Even the fact that it will not indicate that you are the founder will easily prove your involvement with this company.
We set a certain price for our services because we do our job professionally. The service will be provided in the form agreed with the client. During the process of registering a company we provide our data as a registrar, which helps to maintain your anonymity.
To sum up, the registration of LLC in New Mexico is financially beneficial for our customers and the company in this state does not cause difficulties in service. We will register your LLC in New Mexico on a turnkey basis, with a full package of documents, and acquire an EIN number quickly and professionally.
If you need further advice or registration - please contact us Telegram: